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Identification of Diamond Quality

time:2023-10-08 source:sznbone Views:

To distinguish the quality of a diamond, it is usually based on its color, weight, cleanliness, and whether the cut surface can express the characteristics of brightness. Consider whether a diamond is worth buying. The first condition is that this diamond has not been set before. Because gemstones that have been embedded cannot accurately determine their grade. Different forms of inlay can make diamonds appear whiter or darker than themselves; And the claw marks on the inlay can better conceal the flaws on the diamond. Diamonds are originally the hardest natural gemstones, but if the force used during inlay or disassembly is not accurate, it can also damage the edges of the diamond and affect its value. If the diamond is already set when purchasing, remember to disassemble it during appraisal to more accurately determine its integrity, texture, and value. Dirty diamonds will turn yellow and dull. Generally, once every six months, place the diamond jewelry in a special cleaning solution and clean it on a supersonic washing machine to maintain its luster. The identified diamonds should at least be clean. After disassembly and cleaning, it is necessary to distinguish the grade and color of diamonds.

If a diamond is viewed under sunlight or a yellowing light, it will shine and shine brightly; The correct method is to place the diamond under a pure white light source without ultraviolet light and observe it carefully with a 10x magnifying glass. When choosing a diamond, it is not easy to identify and judge it solely with the naked eye. A round diamond can reflect a large amount of light entering from the countertop. Therefore, it is impossible to see if there are any defects below from the top, only when viewed from the pointed bottom. This is something that outsiders should pay attention to.

The Gem Academy in the United States divides diamonds into several levels in terms of color: D to F levels are colorless, that is, 99 or 98 colors; Levels G to 1 are almost colorless and are of top quality; Below level 1, it is slightly yellow or light yellow, that is, below 95 colors. In terms of quality, perfect and flawless diamonds belong to the first class, √√ S1 belongs to the first class with extremely small flaws, and √√ S2 belongs to the second class with extremely small flaws. These diamonds with these textures are worth purchasing and collecting.